“Thanks, thanks, and ever thanks!”
It is through your generous donations over the years that we continue to grow and improve. We don’t have corporate sponsors, nor do we charge fixed ticket prices at our live performances. Because of your support, we’re able to bring professional theatre to local neighbourhoods and pay our cast and crew living wages. Your financial support is so valued – thank you!
As a non-profit charity, we put all our donations back into company productions AND, as a bonus, you get a tax receipt for any donation over $25.
To contribute to the Foolishness, please click on the “Donate Now” link below. We also accept cheques, gold crowns, and other methods (see below or contact us at: info@fools.ca).
Please make cheques to:
“a Company of Fools Theatre Inc.”
2 Daly Ave
Ottawa, ON Canada
K1N 6E2
Our charitable registration number is:
87973 8623 RR0001
Donor Tiers

$25 ~ $99
Receive a charitable tax receipt and patronage listings on our website and in our show program.

Lord & Lady
$100 ~ $249
The benefits of the Courtier tier, plus a complimentary Fools T-Shirt.

Baron & Baroness
$250 ~ $499
The benefits of the Lord & Lady tier, plus two complimentary tickets to a Fools Fundraiser event.

Duke & Duchess
$500 ~ $999
The benefits of the Baron & Baroness tier, plus an invitation to our Royal Box seating during the Torchlight Shakespeare tour (two chairs, two cold beverages, and snacks of your choosing).

King & Queen
All the previous benefits, plus TWO complimentary Fools T-Shirts.
And MORE Foolish surprises throughout the Season! (Tell us what you want – we’ll probably do it!)